Monday, March 14, 2005

5km morning run + yoga

Thankyou all so much for all the lovely comments I've been getting - I can't tell you how motivating it is to feel that there are people cheering me on! Most of my non-running friends and family just sort of look at me blankly or with a 'you-must-be-insane' expression when I talk about how much I'm enjoying my running or my times etc! I'm loving blogging so much because it's such a chance to do this for other people too, even if most of you are already very well established runners with loads of experience :) So, Thanks Guys! *hugs*

This morning, I met with two friends and we did the same southbank-city-gardens-southbank loop. Lots of fun. It's getting so dark in the mornings now, winter is very definitely on it's way! I like being out at that time to see all the people emerging into the day. Everything seems soft and sort of mutable; without the harsh lines and focal points of the summer... the air smells like damp earth and eucalypt and running seems easier, somehow.

Tonight I'm going to yoga for the first time. I had inadvertantly booked myself in for a PT session today, too, but I rang up and changed it to thursday. I figure training three times in one day would be a little excessive, even for me!

Hope you're all having a great day :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Be sure to give us a report on Yoga - I have been looking at it and would be interested to know more before i go.