Sunday, December 16, 2007

Still chugging along. Went for a slow walk on friday. May even do it again today. Woo! LOL.

I'm going up to Mooloolaba for a few days at xmas. I think my nearest and dearest are rather afraid to leave me alone on significant dates now. That said, I'm looking forward to spending some time swimming, sunbaking and reading. My planned reading for the break currently includes "Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance" which I've been meaning to read for years.

Thanks also for all the comments, lovely people. It's nice to read supportive stuff. I will have to read more blogs - I've not been online so much lately.

In an effort to do something positive, I took this photo the other day on my walk. The good thing about walking is that I can carry my camera, which I can't do when I run (too much shaking for an SLR!)

Hope you're all looking forward to a very happy xmas and new year. I've got my fingers crossed that 2008 is a whole lot better than 2007!

H x