Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Swim, Bike and White Bread!

I've been feeling really disgusting over the last few days - I think mostly it's because of the bad stuff I ate last week combined with a fair whack of water retention. You'd think I'd learn that white bread does not agree with me since it makes me feel bloated and gives me heart burn whenever I eat it, wouldn't you? *L* I don't even bloody like it, really! I function best on fresh fruit, salad, lean meat, veggies, nuts and the odd bit of grainy bread or ryvita. I feel better when I eat consistently like that, so I shall stop sabotaging myself. Perhaps it's my subconcious freaking out over the rapidly approaching Tri. *butterflies*

This week is thus hereby dedicated to undoing what I did last week, dropping my unwelcome added wobbles and making myself feel better before sunday. I think I'm actually looking forward to having a bit of a rest while I'm away - I'll still exercise of course, but I'm not going to panic about trying to keep up my mileage etc while I'm there. I think I'll cut back to training 3 days a week and leave it at that. It's only three weeks, anyway.

Yesterday I went for a swim and did 500m - I can't bear it when people with kicboards or water runners purposely cut in front in the slow lane - I had to stop for a few seconds to let one go, then I had to overtake another (which nearly killed me because it meant a short mad spurt of speed in the mix!) I also bumped into Tori, who was there swimming with her daughter. She was telling me about her tri coach - maybe it's just because I'm more conscious of it now, but it seems like everywhere I go these days, I either meet someone who is training with someone, or runs their own group. I had no idea there were quite so many tri squads in Brisbane!

Today I went for a bike ride, ventured slightly futher afield. I'm going to get a new battery for the pedometer so I can see how far I'm going. I'm feeling slightly more comfortable on the bike now - but I'm still sticking to the streets rather than the main roads. I wish the maps showed which streets have major hills! The place I'm house sitting has some *huge* ones and it's difficult for me to plot a flattish route. Perhaps I'll just have to take the bike somewhere else and ride.

Will try and make it to the gym tonight for some weights/swim session.


Cirque said...

You are SO turning into a triathlete, Hannah! I have a sneaking feeling that the three days training a week you're planning will somehow magically increase a little when the time comes.

CJ said...

Just think of those brief little surges in the pool as interval training!