Sunday, November 27, 2005

5kms and a DNF

My sister sent me this picture by text message this morning. This is what it's like in the UK at the moment! I'm going to freeze! *L*

On a different note, went to the West End today - started the 15km race, pulled out after 5km. My first DNF, but I think I was a being a tad overambitious to think I could run 15kms two days in a row, let alone after one of them being hills. Oh well! Got to catch up with a few people and watch them finish for a change which was nice! (nothing like a good bellow as someone heads for the line!) I'm also feeling a tad PMTish, and have eaten lots of rubbish this weekend which has made me feel yuck and bloated.

Nevermind! Tomorrow is a new day - back on the healthy eating wagon and a week of joining various amounts of swimming/bike/running together. I'm not focussing on mileage this week, only on feeling good and comfortable ready for sunday.


Tesso said...

Brrrr .....

You shouldn't worry about the DNF, most of us have one eventually and BRRC is the perfect place to do it, you're not stuck out in the middle of a race somewhere. I was so tempted to stop as well, I reckon if I had have seen you had done so I probably would have joined you.

Take care this week. Hope its not your turn to fall over at run group ;-)

miners said...

oh dear - are you really going back there?

Great to hear you're going to persevering with the bike! on no - more back groin problems. Not sure if the gel seat will help too much for you Hannah. It might in the short term, but finding the *right* saddle can be the most difficult thing in cycling (when I bought my new bike, my 18-month old saddle was put on it before I rode anywhere!)

Katie said...

You have to try every thing once :)
Good on you for looking after yourself!

Lulu said...

Now that looks very chilly! Thanks for reminding me why I live in Sydney, and why we gave up going back to the UK for Christmas.

Don't worry about your DNF; sounds like a sensible decision to me. I'm always amazed how much your 'ormones can affect your running!