Sunday, November 13, 2005

Tri training

Two blog entries in one day. I must be keen! Couldn’t help but blog the tri training experience though!

I am completely wiped out!

After the 10km this morning, I got home, had a shower and then did a few errands before having an early giant lunch and then heading to J's. My legs still felt a bit wibbly from the morning but I was determined to have a go at our own mini-tri this afternoon to see how I went.

First, we rode down to the pool. That in itself was an experience, since I haven't ridden a bike in six years and when I did there was no such thing as gears. Very strange to have my bum up and my head down, too - but on adjusting the seat a bit, found it did make a huge amount of difference. They say you never forget how to ride a bike, but I think it's bollocks. I think actually, it's bloody hard to remember how to ride a bike well.

Once we got to the pool, we did 500m. My freestyle sucks woefully. J was very good though and didn't laugh at me when I resorted to breastroking after 100m. Something I'm going to have to work on for sure. It's quite annoying because I have such vivid memories of actually being quite a strong swimmer as a kid. Same with playing with the piano. I remember being a grade 8, but when you put me infront of one now, I can hardly play a tune anymore. *snorks* I guess the key here is repetition and practice.

Then, we jumped out of the pool and got back on the bikes and rode 12km through bush trails. Some of the hills killed me - mostly due to having to get used to shifting my weight, find the best line, getting the right gear and keeping my balance all at once. Lots of fun though - whizzing up and down hills was loads of fun. I think that I need to concentrate on getting comfortable and then I can really let fly. And, I only fell off three times *snorks* not that I actually hit the dirt, it was more of an ungainly hopping sideways. I am so unco, it's embarrassing.

When we got back, we dumped the bikes and ran a hilly km or so around the block. My legs felt like jelly, having cramped up a bit in the pool. All up I was quite surprised I held up as well as I did - the bike ride at Bribie isn't going to be trails and we swam further than the enticer distance (300m) so really I just have to get my head around the bike and joining it all together.
I learnt tons about technique, rules and training from J - helped heaps.

One thing is for sure - parts of my anatomy are KILLING me! Why don't they make bike seats wider for girls? or perhaps you just get used to it! I also have to figure out a cost effective way to wear clothes that I can swim, bike and run in, get elastic laces and work some of this stuff into my training routine!

Definitely going to be an early night for me!


Jen said...

Wow - you go girl! What a huge day you've had. With practice and dedication your swimming and riding will improve in leaps and bounds - just the way your running has !

Sweet dreams,


Cirque said...

I'm REALLY looking forward to following your progress through this Hannah. I honestly think you'll be a natural once you get the knack of the three disciplines.

Tesso said...

Hannah, you never cease to amaze me. What an experience the training session must have been. Sounds like fun ... almost.

I can see it now, you'll get to the end of the enticer and think 'is that all there is'.

I was wondering too, if shifting up to ultras is going to the 'dark side' what do we call you runners who move onto triathlons ... other than crazy :-)

miners said...

I LOVE hearing about things like this - getting started in Tris is one of the funnest parts of the whole thing - particularly the experimenting with clothes.

Sounds like you went absolutely fantastic Hannah. Migod - a 300m+ swim, 12km bike and 5-10 minutes run is HUGE for anyone who hasn't done that before - let alone run a 10k in the morning. Can't wait to see you doing solo at Noosa next year :)

Ewen said...

Aren't you supposed to swim, bike and run in your swimmers? Well done Hannah - a good training day.

Running 'off the bike' is another thing I couldn't get used to in triathlons!