Monday, November 14, 2005

1000m swim

Woke up this morning expecting my legs to be killing me, but actually, they're fine - it's my shoulders and back that hurt! Not to mention my er, bike seat - omgomgomg!

Gingerly ventured to the pool and swam 1000m. Still only managed 100m freestyle, did the rest as breaststroke, but tried to intersperse it with little bursts of freestyle. Made me realise how much work I have to do!

Was going to go to the gym tonight, but alas, I have a pile of 40 essays to mark by wednesday so I spent the evening knee deep in assessment criteria instead! Tomorrow, no doubt!


Tesso said...

1000m swim is great, even if some of it was breatstroke. Well done!

Maybe you should think about a windtrainer for your bike, that way you can cycle and mark assignments at the same time. I figure you might as well go completely crazy ;-)

Lulu said...

I know what you mean about the bike bottom issue. When I lived in London I had a very nice City bike and had a proper ladies saddle put on it; very comfie! Probably wouldn't look right on a racer though!

I bought a really good book on swimming recently that seems to be helping me. It's a very technical sport so you need to focus on technique more than the fitness, which you have from running anyway. It's called Fitness Swimming by Emmit (sp?) Hines. I bought mine from Amazon. He goes through correct technique and then gives you some drills to do as well.

Tamyka Bell said...

Marking... marking... ugh!