Thursday, November 17, 2005

freestyle getting better!

Hurrah! I somehow swam 400m FREESTYLE this morning! No breaststroke at all! I had about 20 seconds rest every 100m, but I feel like I'm making progress :) i swam really slowly and tried to focus on breathing and rhythym (which are the main pointers I got from the stuff I read)

You also have to love how the universe works - just as I got there, the guy in the next lane to me started chatting and turns out he's just started a triathlon club at the pool (which is just down the road from me and much closer than the Enoggera one!) when I got out, I found he'd slipped a card under my bag!

This would be perfect, except for the fact that I may now be house sitting for a friend for a few months and she lives near Chermside! Having said that, I think they have a pool!

Tonight I've planned a gentle 5km in the lead up to saturday and a weights session.


Jen said...

Oh, cute triathlete's slipping their card under your bag. Nice way to start the day eh ??

I'm so proud of all the progress you have made with your swimming Hannah. It sure is paying off !


miners said...

yeah, are you sure that card was an invitaiton to join you for a training session, or something a little more interesting?

Fantastic to hear about the swimming Hannah - you'll find that now you're over that initial hump, you'll find it gets easier and easier from here on in.

Couple other pointers (and for Jen and lulu etc who are enjoying the swimming lately) - try and keep your head low in the water - not just "in", but looking directly straight down, not looking "up" the pool so your head is angled lightly upwards. Try and get comfortable breathing on both sides of your body - this will help with getting your stroke aligned and keep your body well balanced. Try and develop a rhythmic breath "out". Most people only worry about making sure they get that breath "in" on the 2nd, 3rd or 4th stroke. As a result, most swimmers hurry their breath "out" instead of concentrating on getting a slow and controlled outward breath on the 2nd or 3rd stroke (or whatever stroke preceeds your breathing-in stroke). Make sense?

Also try not to crane your neck trying to catch glimpses of cute triathletes in the lane next to you while you're swimming - I know how clear and tempting the underwater view can be ;)

Lulu said...

Well that's a nice start to the day indeedy! Glad to hear it's starting to come together.. you're going to be swimming like my lovely goldfish in no time.

Good tips from Miners although I like to crane my neck to see scantily clad triathletes sometimes:) Just don't tell Mr Lulu

Cirque said...

Good grief, Hannah. Is there ANYTHING you can't do?

PS - don't listen to Miners. Enjoying the scenery will enhance your motivation.