Wednesday, July 13, 2005

New Shoes + 12km

Finally got some new shoes before running tonight. They feel so different to the old ones - which, on inspection from Phil, were past there use by date. Amusingly, they're the same ones that Sam (and apparently, Tesso) have, so now we all match! *grins*

Did about 12km I'm guessing. Foot started to hurt towards the end, but bearable. Think I might be coming down with a cold (can you believe it? Mind you, what where this blog be, without me having something to whinge about? LOL) On a positive note, the rest of the week is looking like this:

Thurs: 10km
Fri: Weights/Cardio of some sort
Sat: 5km Mount Cootha Summit Trail (might try and make this 10km)
Sun: 8.2km Rail Trail Fun Run

Want to try and get this week's mileage up to 40km, so I should probably aim to do 10km options where possible. (Had Mon + Tues as Rest Days, did 12km tonight, so that leaves 28km to spread over the next four days)


CJ said...

Sounds like some interesting runs comming up on the weekend. I also feel a cold coming on - headachey, tired but I can't get sick! I don't have time!

Cirque said...

Gee Hannah, call that a running blog? You didn't even tell us what type of shoes they are! More detail please.