Thursday, July 28, 2005

Not Running

Well, I've done no running for over a week now - sunday is R day and I can't wait. I'm feeling a bit frustrated by my lack of activity - all I've done this week is go swimming once. Mind you, work has suddenly become so busy that I wouldn't have had time to go exercise if I could have! Definitely not complaining though, it's sooooo nice to be busy again!

I have been keeping up my CR quota, squishing in dinner with Tesso, Clairie, Skizzik and Karisma last night. I was a bit dead, having pulled an allnighter to hit a rush job deadline - 17 houra straight on a computer is not good for ones sanity LOL! Then I taught at uni all day! Again with the nice-to-be-busy thing though! *nods* Anyway, it was lovely to see the gals, although sad at the same time, now a certain person is moving down to Sydney :( Who am I going to paddle inflatable kayakes down rivers with now? LOL!

Tomorrow I have PT - It'll be so good to do some work. I'm totally craving cardio! (and sleep!)

Roll on sunday and running, I say!


Jen said...

Don't stress about the time off Hannah. Your body will actually appreciate the rest. Take it easy and come back slowly. Fingers crossed for your foot problem. J

CJ said...

I'm in the same boat at the moment Hannah - ran Monday then the dreaded lurgy got me. Went for a quick run this morning to reassure myself that I can still run!