Monday, June 13, 2005

Yay for 10k!

Huzzah! I can run properly again! After yesterday's shamozzle of a run, I decided to try again tonight. I took my ventolin as a precaution and then set out on my usual route around the 'burb - thinking I'd take it easy and just do 5km if it was still as uncomfortable as yesterday morning.

The first 3km werent too much fun, but once I got through those, I started to feel heaps better and just ran and ran and ran. So I ended up doing 10km (60 minutes) and by the end I felt great and could've kept going. My legs were turning over well and it all just flowed. How bizarre that 24 hours can make so much difference. I feel so much better mentally now too, knowing that I'm back to where I was and not going to have to start all over again!

Current Weight: 77.4kgs (I feel so Bridget Jones, LOL - in fact, I think they could've written that book about me!)

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