Thursday, June 16, 2005


Current Weight: 76.2kgs
Weight left to lose: 1.2kgs

yesterday: 10km cycle, floor exercises, stretch

I'm back into thinnest-I've-ever-been territory! When I hit 75.9, there is going to be a lot of jumping up and down, I can tell you!

75kgs has been initial target weight since I started to lose weight, but until now I just kept hovering about two kgs away. As I said before, I'm thinking I might see if I can peel away a couple more in addition but I don't care if I can maintain my weight at 75kgs... I feel fine and I like the changes I'm just starting to see.

I've been eating porridge for breakfast, sushi rolls/chicken salad/protein bar for lunch and meat and veggies for dinner. I've had a handful of almonds here and there as a snack, or a bit of fruit. Once or twice I've had a yoghurt for dessert. If you haven't tried them yet, I thoroughly recommend the French Cheesecake Flavoured Lite Yoghurt by Yoplait (I think that's who makes it) It's gorgeous!

I spoke to my friend Em last night (who I think may be reading my blog now, *waves*) who has just hit the 20 minute mark with her running. I'm so happy for her and I'm doing my best to cajole her into coming to do the 5km at the West End! I'm probably biased too, because I can't wait to get another person to run with!

Speaking of which, I'm doing the Running Buddies on Saturday. Looking forward to it! I've missed Run club for two weeks because my latest exhibition opened and then last night I had to give a talk about it. but it's all back on track now! Bring on the Gold Coast - I'm feeling really optimistic about everything today!

Tonight: aiming for 10km again :)


Jen said...

Your enthusiasum is infectious Hannah ! Congratulations on your wonderful weight loss achievements to date. Like you, I tend to hover a kg or two away from my goal-weight but I'm sure we will both be there very soon ! I'm so looking forward to meeting you at GC. Not long now :-) J

Unknown said...

Fantastic, Hannah! It's 'all go' for the Gold Coast 10km! Good on you for putting all the hard yards in to get where you are today!