Wednesday, June 15, 2005


Owwww. Had PT last night and we did dynamic exercises with weights. I didn't previously know I had muscles beside my ribcage, but now I do and they're really sore! Still, it was really good to get into some good, honest meaty training where I could work hard. Consequently, I got on the scales today and:

current weight: 76.4kgs

Huzzah! 1.4kgs to go :) At this rate, I might even try to drop a few more - considering the healthy average for my height is supposed to be 65kgs (75kgs being the top end of healthy). We shall see, I suppose.

Think I'll go to the gym today and do some cardio... too sore for weights!

1 comment:

Clairie said...

Excellent news on the weight loss and don't you just love that 'muscle sore' feeling!

Best of luck with the cardio - but don't overdo it!