Thursday, June 02, 2005

Oh Nose!

Last night at club my nose started running a bit... tonight I feel a bit blah, achy and tired and like a cold is coming on... my throat is a bit sore too. I refuse to get ill before sunday. I do! I picked up my race kit tonight and dammit I'm going to do that half, if I have to walk the entire thing feeling like poo. Which I may. But, I've started taking massive doses of vitamin C and so hopefully, all shall be fine on sunday *nods to self*

Last night we did an easy hour run as a large group which was really nice. Good to run with the faster (and slower) people, gossip and catch up. Poor Sam fell over quite spectacularly - she did a better job on her knee than I did on my chin. Hope she's feeling better! Today I went to the gym and was a bit slack - did half an hour easy rowing. I quite miss actual rowing... when I've got more money I'll have to join another club and take some more lessons.

Right. Healthy thoughts. Healthy. Maybe if I dose up on sudafed, I'll run quicker! (sends me round the bend as it is!) LOL!

1 comment:

Cirque said...

Good luck Hannah!
Sending lots of healthy thoughts your way.