Thursday, May 12, 2005

Taking it on the Chun!

Slight trip to the GP this morning for the chun (adopting NZ accent there, not quite sure why!) - woke up and it was all weepy and digusting. Have to take some antibiotics and go back tomorrow to have the dressing changed and get a tetanus shot (can't remember if I had one when I went travelling or not - if I did, I won't need one now!) It's all good though - no permanent damage - my teeth still hurt, but the GP checked my jaw and said it was fine - even if I did crack it, they can't do anything about it!

Having a rest day today. It's cold and rainy and I'd really like to go and do weights and then climb into the sauna at the gym, but I can't get this bloody dressing wet (argh! can you tell I'm not a good patient? frustrated! LOL) so instead, I've booked myself in for a half hour massage at Zenergy (where I do my PT). Yummm... definitely looking forward to that!

All I have to do is get through my interview this arvo and then I can relax. You never know, I might even be employed shortly as a result. That'd be really relaxing!

Oh, and I forgot to mention... talk of doing a trifecta of halfs.... Queensland Half, Gold Coast Half and the Noosa Half. My thought is - let's see how we go through number one, first! LOL


Unknown said...


remember - step, step, step....

Anyway, love the goals!!

Unknown said...

Hannah, how awful & what a dreadful fall! Just read about it when I came to your blog re the cycle seat. I don't know how you can sound so cheerful in spite of such cuts & bruises! I've tripped like that a couple of times, but always landed hands & knees first...gravel rash is so painful; be careful & take it easy till everything heals. I hope the job interview goes well despite the facial injuries.

Now the bike seat; any bike shop should have them; it's called a "Velo Gel Tech" seat cover (for stationary bikes) cost $32 & makes a whole heap of difference let me tell you!

Get better soon & Keep your chin up!!!

Cirque said...

Sorry to hear about the accident Hannah. Sounds nasty!
Hope the job interview went well and something good comes of it.

Carolyne said...

Great to have those goals Hannah!

Understand how you are feeling, and hope that the massage and a bit of pampering helps.

We are all keeping our fingers crossed for you.
