Tuesday, May 17, 2005


Sunday I did 5km on the treadmill in an effort to offset my disgusting weekend of eating *L* Yesterday, I had PT and my trainer decided that it would be lots of fun to get me replacing my rest periods between sets with high intensity cardio intervals. So I would basically do a set of exercises and then have to sprint the length of the building as fast as I could, eight times. By the third or fourth time I'd done it, I was definitely huffing and puffing but for some reason, I'd barely broken a sweat (though I felt tired!) I showed my 'cellular analysis' sheet thing to him too and he thought that the whole 13kg weight loss thing was a little extreme... we're going to do skin folds testing next time for a comparison. I guess if that comes up with similar results then I'll admit defeat and start trying to lose it *wails* if I don't like what I look like along the way, I can stop.

After my training, I went to the gym for a bit of a double whammy. Was going to run but was too tired from intervals and weights so instead I walked up an incline (5%, not very much) for half an hour and watched Big Brother. Then I got into the sauna and steam again. I'm hoping it will clear my skin a bit and it feels soooo good when it's cold outside.

Today my muscles are sore but not crippled (but takes 24 hours for that to happen!) and I've got a massage this afternoon, so I might try and make it to the gym again this morning - or alternatively, go for a run on the street (much nicer and hopefully not too hot!)

Contemplating whether to run the 5km, 10km or even try to do 20km at the West End on sunday. I'm a little tempted towards the 5km because it's been a while since I've done it and I'd love to see if I've gotten any quicker. I might try and get out there during the week and run it for practice. I guess the 10km would be just as good for checking progress. 20km would be interesting to see how long it takes me and to get a feel for where I stand with endurance but I think I'd be holding everyone up because I'm predicting it would currently take me 2 hours something.

Still waiting to hear about the job!


Unknown said...

Your weekly training plan looks awesome!! Very full on!Have fun at west end on the weekend!

Carolyne said...

Glad your PT also thinks that the 13kg is extreme! A skin-fold sounds much more reasonable.

Don't do too much - maybe get some advice about what is the best West End option for the weekend.

Take Care

Tesso said...

Good to see you're keeping up the hard work Hannah!

By the way Roadrunners this weekend is a 5k-25k self select - some of the 25k runners will be out there way longer than 2 hours. Worth keeping in mind ....