Sunday, May 22, 2005

5km PB + tales from the sauna...

Thursday: Went out for a run, got half an hour in or so and it started to hale, so I decided to abort my run and went to the gym instead to do weights. Turned out to be a wise decision because the hale stones got quite scary by all accounts!

Friday: Felt down about job-prospects (still havent heard!) and ate too much. I hate it when I do that! Anyway, to go some way towards counteracting my moment of weakness, I hit the gym again but felt sick trying to run with a full stomach, so I got on the bike for a hour. My rear end is soooo never going to forgive me *winces* must go get one of those gel bike seats that Luckylegs uses, once I have spare funds again!

Saturday: Rest Day

Sunday (Today): Went to the West End, eventually decided to just do the 5km and see if I could beat my time. Which, according to my watch, I did, getting another PB by at least 10 seconds but have to wait for official times to be sure. It definitely felt faster, considering the fact that I thought I was going to combust by the time I crossed the line. I felt like I was holding my breath while breathing! And, for some reason, my calves are really crampy lately.

I'm playing some serious mind games with myself at the moment on whether I can actually physically run a half. I know I said I wasn't going to put any pressure on myself to expect to run the entire thing, but I still desparately want to surprise myself and find I can do it. I keep asking myself if I've worked hard enough, done enough training behind me to succeed. I was thinking about doing the 20km this morning instead of the 5km but I piked out on the longer run because I didn't want to find I couldn't do it, before I got to the Half. Twisted kind of a logic there, somewhere. Bah! I keep thinking maybe I can only do 19km on a wednesday long run because we stop to cross lights/get a drink every five km or so. I dunno. Half the battle in all this running lark seems to be psychological!

I also missed catching up with Clairie, Tesso and co this morning, who I think were all down doing the Warwick Pent. Hope they went well. No doubt they'll all be upset to hear they missed the beautiful policemen out in force on the 10km this morning (unfortunately not in uniform! sighs!) It was freezing by the river, that's for sure. So much so, after the run I decamped to the sauna at the gym and got chatted up by a very sweet japanese boy. Can't think of a time that I've looked less attractive really, than bleary eyed, sweaty, red in the face and hair plastered to my head whilst wearing daggy old swimmers *L* He definitely got points for effort though - nothing like being told you're more beautiful than all the stick thin gym junkies to make a girl feel good on a sunday morning! *L*


Carolyne said...

Running is a mind game Hannah, more so the longer the distance!

Read some of the posts and blogs about the SMH Half, and you will realise that you can do it . . . you are better prepared than many.

Good luck on the job front.

Chelle said...

You can do it Hannah. I've been following your progress on your blog! See you at the finish line :)