Thursday, May 19, 2005


17km last night. It was only supposed to be 15km, but somehow we went a bit long. Found it a bit easier than last week's 18k - maybe because I didn't fall over and bleed everywhere LOL! Felt pretty comfortable and had to work a bit to get up the hills which was good. My legs were sore from PT when I started, but today they feel pretty good. Still tired, but not painful.

I've not managed to do any of the classes I was going to do this week. I'm going to try very hard to do yoga on saturday. Am already stretching a lot more now I'm back at the gym. They got some fabulous contraption that you strap your hands into and lean back into various positions to stretch your hammys, glutes, back etc. Lovely thing, it is!

Gym for me tonight/today. Time to do some weights and then have a run.

1 comment:

Aki said...

pwph! you're putting me to shame Hannah!