Monday, September 26, 2005


Holy hell - I did the most intense speedwork session I've ever done ever tonight. I didn't know I could move that fast! It seems my trainer has reached new heights of evilness in his running club and we spent an hour absolutely busting a gut. We did a combination of fartlek, intervals and an all out, hell for leather km sprint or three. I don't think I have ever worked so hard. I don't think I'm going to be able to move tomorrow (and I have a PT session in the morning! argh!) If any of you brissie people are game, they're doing free sessions this week for the running club launch - see - you go into the draw for a $200 voucher at InTraining.

As for me, I think anything that evil has to work, so I think I'll go back. Want to get my times down some more...

And now, my bed is calling....


Jen said...

Ohh - sounds like a wonderfully evil session *she says rubbing her hands while smiling*

You go girl!


Tesso said...

Good on ya Hannah! Funny how you can make pain sound almost enjoyable.

I had a look at the website and I can see the evil in the instructors eyes! I have a couple of questions tho -

Is that the "Fat Smasher" session you did?

How the hell do you hide from the instructor if there's only six people in the class????

Cirque said...

Sounds like a great session Hannah. What was it you were saying the other day about being able to do endurance but not speed?

Unknown said...

Holy hell! That's a tough session, Hannah; results to follow!