Tuesday, August 30, 2005

5km and PT

Decided to go and do 5km before PT yesterday, so I drove there, parked and went for a run down the main road. Heaps of sets of lights which was more than a little frustrating, but a nice run to do because I did it once before, when I'd just mastered 5km and I remember how far it seemed! Seemed a whole lot closer this time round! Felt really good and I concentrated on my form - I feel like I'm able to run taller, put my shoulders back and take bigger strides these days, which somehow feels faster... I should really go and read up on the science behind form I guess, but it made me realise just how much I'd been slumping and pounding my feet previously... I guess because it requires less effort to run like that or something.

Did PT and told him of the evil 25km plan. He laughed and shook his head *L* He then proceded to make me do horrific jumping lungs over a low bar without losing my balance... really difficult and I'm really sore today. Tomorrow will be worse, too! We also did sit ups with a 6kg medicine ball, crunches, bridges and attempted one handed push ups (!!??!!) He also wrote my name on the public whiteboard list for the Noosa Tri teams, so there's no escape from that in november now, either! I'm interested to watch the transitions and things anyway, seeing as next year I may well be having a go at the whole thing myself!

In the new year, I think I'm going to try and get a bit more muscly. Not much, just a bit more definition. I don't want it to mess with running so it won't be anything major, but I'm going to try to do another couple of weights sessions during the week.


miners said...

Wow Hannah - 25km races, triathlons, miss universe body sculpting contests - I wonder what you'll be doing next! Hope you have fun experiencing the whole Noosa tri-festival atmosphere - it's one of the years' highlights

Jen said...

It is always nice to be reminded of how far you have come isn't it?

And as for muscle definition - I understand and I just lurve having it!!!!

Go H go !!!


CJ said...

It will be fun being part of a team for the Noosa tri - you'll love it. Great goals for next year too - triathlon and muscle definition! Yay - go Hannah!