Tuesday, August 23, 2005

8km run, 2 km of walk breaks LOL

Well, kicked myself up the bum and tried to get back into things today. Went for what was supposed to be a 10km run on my usual route but my legs felt like lead from the weekend still so it ended up being 10km interspersed with a lot of swearing and walk breaks. I also have the biggest blister on my second toe on my left foot. Ah well! I'm so impatient about recovering but I know by the end of the week I'll be back to normal so it's no biggy and I'm complaining for no good reason ;)

I did see the most beautiful sulphur crested cockatoo on my run today - it was huge! They're my favourite type of parrot and this one just sat there eating grass while I passed by - great big fat cheeky chicken sized birds - and they're not stupid either ;)

Anyway, cheered up an otherwise sore old waddle!


beanz said...

well run!

nothing wrong with
walk breaks

nothing as cheerful as a cockatoo to spot here - the most exciting bird I've ever seen on a run is a heron

Cirque said...

Don't beat up on yourself for grumbling Hannah. There's plenty of people waddling around grumpier than you who didn't run a half marathon on the weekend. And on a positive note - kicking yourself up the bum is a really good dynamic quad stretch!

Wobbly man said...

If its any consolation, I suffer the same thing after finishing a goal race. Just look forward and set yourself a new goal thats not too far away.

CJ said...

Well done on doing the half marathon and enjoy a well earned break! Cockatoos are gorgeous - they look so big and clumsy and make the most awful noise, but I love them.

Ewen said...

They're great birds - especially when you see them in flocks. A T-shirt for a 1980's Lane Cove Half featured them.

I like the yellow tailed black cockatoos you now see in Canberra.

Re the post race blues... reward yourself with an easy few weeks (plenty of rest days) then set a new goal and aim for it. That was a good PB Hannah - 5 minutes is a lot of time.

Unknown said...

Take Wobbly's advice, Hannah! Having a new goal is a 'must'; I'm never without one!