Thursday, April 28, 2005

Long Run 1:25 15km

Did my worst ever track session on tuesday night, must've only done 3km... just wasnt feeling very inspired (aside from which there was just me and all the uber, uber quick people who kept tearing by) Schultzy (Long time runner) suggested I try the thursday night track instead because there are some slower runners there, so I may give that a try.

Last night it absolutely poured down and I almost didn't go to running group, but decided I would because I knew Tracey would go and we'd agreed to do a bit extra in preparation for the half. So I did go and it stopped raining which was great. We had a new, rather delicious runner in the group (I may regret saying that publicly, but bugger it, he was!) I have a theory that I've now discovered where all the single beautiful men in Brisbane have been hiding - they all run!

*ahem* anyway, long run went quite well - 15km, the longest yet! We went at a comfortable pace which was nice... went some way to counteracting the doubt I was feeling about running after the dodgy 8km last sunday. Today was particularly good because a. I slept in til 11am (quite a record for me!) and b. I discovered a letter I wrote about losing weight got published in Slimming magazine, and I won a $120 voucher for a deluxe cellulite treatment! Wahoo! Yay me :)


Robert Song said...

Great run Hannah.
Can't believe my bad luck though . I did a gym bike session and missed running in the rain! Doh.

Anonymous said...

15km - nice work!! Keep lifting the bar - remember i am chasing you!!
