Sunday, June 25, 2006

Another sucky 5km

Went to the West End this morning and ran the 5km in 27:03. Really wanted to do the 10km because it was the champs, but was good, took Phil's advice and did the 5km instead. Blaaaahhhhh... was working reaaaaaally hard to do that time, too.

Little voices in the back of my head have started playing mind games with me. Knowing how neurotic I can be, I think it's fair for us to say I'd have those anyway (bug or no bug) but I think I shall just have to do my best not to irritate the shit out of everyone before the weekend.


It's all going to be fine. Yes it is. *nods to self*

I'm just impatient to feel full of juice again. It could be worse. At least I can run on the weekend, slow or no.

On the positive side of things, I do believe a certain blogger by the name of Clairie may have won the 10km this morning! Go, Clairie! Wooooooo! I did come third in the 5km, too (no bling though. Woe!)

and another positive - the race pack for the full at the coast is fab. It's a backpack not another drawstring affair. The half has a shopping bag thing!


Cirque said...

Feel free to send neurotic emails and irritate the *** out of me if you like Hannah.

I'll tell you what I'm telling you'll be fine. Just b r e a t h e .

Jen said...

Yep, you can irritate me too if you like. Trust me - you won't be able to.

(((((Hugs))) dude. You CAN and WILL do it. Trust yourself girl. Can't wait to see you out there next weekend.

Clairie said...

ha ha ha yeah I got lumped with 'the shopping bag thingy'...boring. And what is worse - it was full of crap in my mind. Mindless bits of paper wasting the environment. I felt like handing it all back. Though there was one very little pack of enervit at the bottom - which will be useful before the race.

So - calm yourself. Relax. Think positive.

See ya Sunday for the run of your life!!!

Tesso said...

What do you mean a sucky 5k!!! You did enough to come third, that's fantastic. The results are often in the sports liftout of Courier Mail on Mondays, I meant to check for them. If they are you'll have to cut them out and keep them with your running memorabilia (sp?).

5 more sleeps - how exciting!!!!