Sunday, January 29, 2006


I went and did the 5km time trial yesterday morning at shorncliffe. 27.25 :( Which means, really, that I've not gotten any faster since the last time I did a 5km time trial which was about eight months ago I think. Hopefully with some speedwork, I'll get better.

Oh, and looks like I will be coming to watch the caboolture run - in my overly stressed state, I got my dates muddled up and thought that my prior commitment was that weekend, when it was actually this one. It was mortifying enough that I turned up late this weekend (the equivalent level of embarrassment would probably be getting the dates of your own wedding mixed up and getting a phonecall from the party asking where you are) but there's nothing to do now except suck it up and get on with things :(

Argh. I'll be back when I feel less grumpy and stressed. Trying to look on the bright side, maybe this means I can do the 6 hour race. If they let me enter late and if I can find a lap scorer.


Tesso said...

Don't worry about your 5k time Hannah. Most of us are all finding our times are a bit out, I'm sure the humidity has a hell of a lot to do with it. Running faster certainly seems much more of a struggle this time of year.

Ooooh, Caboolture. That's a bit exciting .... ah, that's a lot exciting!!!! I'm sure Geoff will accept a late entry. Hope you can find a lap scorer. Its worth asking what some teams are doing, maybe they are just looking after themselves and so wouldn't mind helping you out as well.

2P said...

A chance for the Six Hour - how excitement - got to be better than the treadmill concept.

You will find a scorer - all you gotta do is convince the organiser to let you start - can't wait to read the post of your Six Hour success ;-)

Shane said...

Hannah I found and joined a team yesterday for Caboolture. We were speaking to Geoff about the entry, he is allowing us to pay for it on the day. Schultzy had a spare registration form so we filled that out and gave it to him, but Im pretty sure it said there is a late fee for registration after the 27th and entry's will be accepted up to 1/2 hr before.

Yesterday was hard especially the return leg. Don't worry about your time too much. I was a 1:30 slower than november's TT. However you failed to mention you were the first person to the turn around point which was a good effort. :)

Toasty said...

Running is not always how fast but how much fun .... could be the beer talking ... hiccup.

the_en4cer said...

Don't stress too much about the 5km time - so many factors other then fitness can influence a time eg. stress, humidity, energy levels.

Good luck with Caboolture if you do it - sounds like it will be fun.

Unknown said...

I hope you do the Caboolture 6 hour, Hannah; I'm sure you'd do really well, so forget about the TT & go get 'em at Caboolture!