Monday, January 16, 2006

7km Social Run

Went to the running group social run tonight at Sandgate. Probably did 6 or 7km and although my legs were heavy from yesterday, felt like I could've gone further (although not faster!) so perhaps I'm finally getting somewhere :) have lost 1kg of my 3kg xmas belly.

Organised my appointment with Phil to sort out my program. Now I just have to actually write it all down in a way that makes sense to people other than me. I think it'll do me good to have some direction and organisation in there. Make sure I'm doing it all sensibly.

In other news, I think I need new shoes - my left foot and the area just behind my knee has been hurting a little bit (might be all the hills I've done lately) but I suspect it's my shoes as this seems to happen whenever I'm due a new pair. As soon as I've got a bit more work coming in, I'll get some - and I think I may even give in and get orthotics for that foot - there's something not right, there. Anyway. Shoes and things shall have to wait for a bit.

My job interview for 2 mth temping went well, but it's debt collecting - the reality of which sank in at the interview and now I'm feeling a bit blah about taking it - I'm not really programmed to do hardcore demanding of money (except when it's money owed to me, that is! LOL) Anyway, shall have to have a think about it. Perhaps something else will turn up... am knee deep in selection criteria for a job or two I'd really like, anyway!


Toasty said...

Temp assignment collecting money ..... I think that sounds like a great opportunity for fun .... let me elaborate.

1. Practice using silly accents
2. Cut letters out of magazines and send notes to those owing the money.
3. Call saying you want to convert them to God and then finished with "Just joking, but seriously you owe us lots of money so better pay up".
4. Phrase the call as a survey. "Excuse me do you have a moment for 2 short questions...... Question 1 If someone owed you money would you ask them to pay you back? Question 2. Do you condone theft ...... "No?" .... "Well pay us back, scumbag!"

Here to help.

Clairie said...

ha ha I just love reading ilovetoasts comments. Certainly he makes it sound like a good fun job!!!

Just remember if you do take it - it is only temporary.

Tesso said...

Yep, as Clairie said its only temporary. Somebody's gotta do it, and it might as well be somebody who needs new shoes and orthotics!

I'm looking forward to seeing your Phil pgm. Its good to have some structure in your running, especially when you have specific goals like you do.

Shane said...

What a coincidence, I just got a letter form a video shop that I haven't been to for a while saying that I owe $20 for late fees which must be paid in 14 days. Maybe I will be your first client :)

Already you are getting results on your return to training. Well done on the weight loss. I hope Phils program helps you out with some training structure.

Unknown said...

Could well be the hills, Hannah, giving you a sore knee...not sure about a remedy for collecting bills!

CJ said...

Well done on the weight loss!