Monday, October 17, 2005

Rest Day

Omg, I'm so sore from yesterday it's disgusting. Therefore, I've declared today a rest day. I did however manage to celebrate yesterdays effort with some retail jubilation - bought some short skins! (saw Clairie's yesterday and hobbling around today finally persuaded me to give them a go) My left calf is sorer than my right by a mile - not very impressed with that, so will keep an eye on it.

Got a phonecall from my PT today saying that they've got too many runners and not enough swim/bike people for the Noosa teams they're organising. Which means I probably won't get to do it, since there's not enough time for me to get even vaguely reasonable at the swim or bike parts. Oh well! I'll probably go up and watch regardless, if it doesnt pan out. Someone I've been seeing a bit of is doing it, so I may go and cheer them on. Bloody expensive 10km run really, anyway :P


Tesso said...

Hannah, I'm glad someone else is feeling the pinch after yesterday. It was your left calf that was cramping at the end of the race wasn't it? That might explain the extra pain on that side.

I've run a Noosa a few times but last year decided just to watch. It was way more fun. Besides, you can always get out and do a run on your own anyway (and save lots of $$$).

PS After all this Skins talk have a guess what is on the top of my shopping list for tomorrow :-)

Wobbly man said...

Nothing wrog with having rest days. Particularly after a hard run! Enjoy the skins - are they supposed to prevent soreness or something?