Sunday, March 12, 2006

2:30 Long Run + contemplating Glasshouse?

Yesterday morning, I heaved myself out of bed at 4am to go and start my long run (2:30 this week) I’m starting to feel just a little bit tired lately, though I’m not sure if it’s from all the running or being back at uni teaching. Probably a bit of both!

Ate a couple of bits of toast, then discovered my mp3 player is broken. Good excuse to buy an iShuffle I suppose, but couldn’t have been worse timing (a. I’m still waiting to get paid, and b. no music during the run!). Headed out to the regatta and started the run. I’d planned to meet Tracey half way through and she would run the last 1:30 with me. Funny being at the regatta and there being no one around though! Seemed wrong, somehow!

Started running along the river, down towards the botanical gardens and wished I had my camera with me. The sun was coming up and the river was so perfectly still, it looked like liquid silver. Gorgeous. Definitely made up for the uber-early rise! Despite my moaning, I do really like that time of day. It’s so peaceful.

I plodded along, looking at everything and played my favourite running game, where I see how many cyclists (2 points) and runners (1 point) I can get to say hello in the space of 60 minutes. I’m thinking perhaps the Brissie CRs should have a little online competition, since so many of us run along the river. Obviously, there are ways to do better (run at peak times!) but it’s good fun with other people and breaks the run up. I’m wondering if people are friendlier in a particular part of Australia than another, or if we’re all the same at 5am!

I seem to have beaten my cheating-whilst-running-alone habit somewhat. Didn’t stop except for a drink at my turn around, woo! I must be getting used to running longer. Arrived back at the regatta at 6am, met Tracey and we headed off again. Another lady, Geraldine from InTraining, ran with us, so we got to have a good gossip. Headed down to the story bridge via the gardens and back. My legs were really sore from PT again but aside from that, felt fine. I was hungry by the half way mark, but still coping without gels (will buy some though I think)

This morning I got up at 4am again (!) to go and marshall at the BRRC Half Marathon Champs. Surprisingly, I wasn’t sore from yesterday’s run… I think my body is starting to adapt a little bit, which is fab – particularly when I can remember how much running a half marathon used to absolutely flatten me and I could hardly walk, after!

Took my camera and took lots and lots of pics. Over 150, actually. I’m on dial up at the moment, so I really, really can’t be bothered to upload every single one, but have put some in the CR photo gallery: Was a nice morning… got to chat to everyone, watch the race… loads of Pbs! You Go, Girlfriends! Lots of bling bling floating around ;)

Mrs FatBloke asked me to email her some of the photos I took and it just so happened that she wrote it on a glasshouse flier. Which, inevitably, as I copied the email address, I started looking at… I’m probably getting ahead of myself (one thing at a time! Want to get through the GCM first of course ;) but am sneakily contemplating having a go at the 50km at the Glasshouse 100 in september. All advice welcome – no idea (except for reading blog reports on it) if it’s a reasonable ultra course to attempt for a first timer, or if I should hold back til something more suitable for plodders like me comes along. Early days, anyway :) All thoughts on the matter very welcome! You lot are my font of running knowledge ;)

Congrats to all this morning who did well. Must go and read six foot track race reports :)


Shane said...

It takes a while to get used to running long distances but you seem to be doing great at the moment.

Well done on the breaking your habit, it is so easy to cut things short or begin to walk, just shows that you are enjoying it and more focused on your goals.

Just wondering what races if any are you planning to do before the GCM. Brisbane 1/2 - full, Warwick, Queensland 1/2?

Sorry cant help with details on the Glasshouse run however if you have plans for a race before the GCM then it will be a long training period with little rest from now till September. Just something to think about, you dont want to get injured.

See you Wednesday :)

Clairie said...

oooh that could be exciting. I have always wanted to do the GH runs but I am more on the 30km side of things - especially on trail.

Will have to see how Sept goes.

Thanks heaps for those photos. They are brilliant. Well for photos they are but not for glam shots thats for sure. I loooook sooooo disgusting. I can't believe you girls let me run in those clothes!!! I am going to have to re-think my Canberra uniform.

Isn't it great when you recover so fast from the long runs and you actually feel like they are making you stronger. I love not struggling through them but actually enjoying them now.

Tesso said...

Well done on the long run yesterday Hannah. Gosh, by the time the really serious training for GC gets here you will be blitzing it!

Thanks so much for being out there this morning. Pity you were rostered on and couldn't add to your swelling bling collection. Next time.

Re Glasshouse I did the 30k there in 2004, and ran with Lizzle, Schultzy and Whale Boy. Well, it was soooo hot, and soooo hard, and Lizzle and I both fell over (me in a puddle of mud) - we whinged the entire 30k! Its a wonder the boys stuck with us. But, for the next week we emailed eachother a squillion times saying how much fun it was :-)

Wobbly man said...

Great long run Hannah! Man you have come a long way in a short space of time!

Lulu said...

Sounds like you had a busy weekend with a great run in there. It's good to see how quickly your body is adjusting to the long runs.

How about doing the Glasshouse 30kms this year. That way you get to try out what sounds like a tough course without putting too much pressure on yourself.