Sunday, April 09, 2006

LSR 2:40 + Sonomas Fun Run

You know how I said I wasn't going to buy music til next pay? Well, I lied ;) I bought an ipod nano yesterday and it rocks :)
I'm forseeing 5k, 10k, 21.1k and 42.2k playlists, all set with the right tempo music for the runs :) My credit card isn't too happy, but I really don't care!

Long run today of 2:40, which I cobbled together from various bits of running. Got up at 4am and went out to Sandgate for the Sonomas Fun Run. Was good to get a bit of a change of scenery, and meant that by joining that 8km race in, I got to run with people some of the way. I must admit, I struggled to get up this morning - now it's getting cooler, it's getting more of a challenge to separate body from nice warm doona! But I did, thinking of everyone down at Canberra, where it's much colder!

Set off at 5am alone and did a 1:30 stretch alone, out along the bay and over the old bridge (no cars! bliss!) Just as I was going over the bridge, the sun came up and the entire sky was absolute scarlet. It's moments like that that the photographer in me comes out and I wish for a camera... but at the same time, it's sort of nice to keep moments like that just for me. It was stunning, anyway - one of the best sunrises I've ever seen.

Arrived back at the race to register and then Tracey and I headed out for another 20 minutes or so while we waited for the 7.30 start. Then off we went for the 8km race. I had planned to do my 2 hours before the race, so I wouldn't have to run extra, but I just couldn't bring myself to get up earlier than 4am, in order to fit it in! We went slowly for the first few kms - got to admit, stopping for anything longer than a minute in the middle of a long run makes it murder to start off again! Like warming up all over again.

As we rounded the bay, we were running right next to the water and we looked down beside us to see a gorgeous dolphin swimming along... another magic moment - how lucky were we?

By half way, we'd speeded up somewhat and then that we weren't that far behind Angie, who'd also joined on her long run, running from home to the race. In the last few kms, we could see her not to far ahead, fading. So even though I had sworn I wasn't going to race, I took off after her. As I went past she said she had a stitch. Then I sped up even more towards the line. Stuff like this irritates me because the fact that I could sprint obviously means I can go at a faster general pace, but I never know I have it in me til I see the finish line LOL (It's all psychological, I'm sure!)

Crossed the line and as I was getting my breath back, Tracey comes up and grabs me - turns out she sped up once she saw me going ahead and passed Angie as well! I was so happy for her - she's been working really hard at her running lately and it's all starting to pay off! *go tracey, go tracey, go tracey!* (does jerry springer dance) Poor old Ange wasn't having a good day.

Crossed the line and went for another warm down run, to make my time up to 2:40, et voila. Feeling good, feeling like I'm making progress. A nice morning was made even better when I got home, I hopped on the internet to find Clairie had done 2.23 at Canberra! Ya Little Ripper! Awesome stuff... Can't wait to hear/read all about it :)


miners said...

great run there hannah - you're punching these long runs out like they're a walk in the park nowadays. You should go back to the start of the blog and read you first dozen posts or so!

Tesso said...

Good on ya for putting in the log run Hannah. It really is difficult when you throw a race into the middle of it.

Bugger the credit card, the iPod will be the best thing. I truly couldn't live without mine. We will have to discuss playlists one day.