Thursday, February 23, 2006

Raisin Toast, Resting, Swimming and Stuff!

Swam laps on tuesday morning, felt fantastic.... by that evening, felt much worse and track was evil. Speedwork whilst coming down with a virus is really not a good combination and after a warm up and about three attempts at 400m sets (and doing 1:54 (under 5 min pace?) exactly for each?) I got sent home in disgrace by Coach Phil! Good thing really, since I thought I might throw up or pass out by the end!

Interesting though too, since I know that if I'd been well, I would've been able to go a fair quicker than I did. Which sort of makes me feel like I'm getting faster, even though I have no proof to back up that theory at all. Finally feeling better after Caboolture, maybe. Was ordered not to come to last nights medium long run, so I've really done nothing much this week.

I'm still not feeling well - though the bug has yet to shift from sore throat to snottiness. Fingers crossed it won't (been drowning in vitamin C!). Mostly I just feel tired. Have been eating lots more generally (lots more carbs, too) and actually feel REALLY good for it. I think my body was actually crying out for more food. Despite eating loads more, have stuck at the one-down kg weight, which fascinates me since normally I'm up and down like a yoyo. Of course, I'll have to reign myself in somewhat soon, but I'm starting to think that it's not really a very good idea to be training for marathon and trying to lose weight by cutting calories and carbs. I think I'd rather carry on eating decent amounts, be a bit heavier and just feel like I have the energy to train harder. Maybe training harder will be enough in itself to shift the weight naturally.

Had breakfast this morning with the lovely Lulu who is up on business - not to mention my usual partners in crime, Tess, Clairie and Cirque. Much gossip and raisin toast was consumed. I do love meeting my fellow CRs from interstate! I think I need to score a job where I can travel ;)

Swimming laps at the gym on tuesday made me realise how much I used to enjoy just going to the gym, without the pressure of having to do anything in particular. I think that I'll have to start doing a few classes there again... I'll finish my house sitting stint in a week or so, so will be back at my old gym before long. Looking foward to getting stuck into my routine.

Now, really have to go and get ready for my PT session :)


CJ said...

Cutting carbs at the moment probably isn't a good idea - you need refuelling to be able to keep up with quality training. You will find with the increased mileage that you will probably lose weight but if not, you'll still be a lot fitter, and feel better for it.

miners said...

I heard (and saw) evidence of your lovely morning tea today! You all looked fabulous too :)

Don't be worried about still feeling a little run-down Hannah. The effort you put in at Caboolture is the sort of thing that some runners spend a month recovering their bodies from - lord knows I'd need that long. You've been able to squeeze in some medium runs, speedwork AND another tri in during the time you had all rights to be resting.

Take it easy for a few more day, and you'll be right soon enough :)

Stephen Lacey said...

Hannah, you talk about weight being up and down. Do you weight yourself at the same time every time? E.g. in the morning between waking and breakfast? (Morning is a good time because it is usually when we are lightest :-)

I also happen to think early morning exercise before eating is a good way of burning more calories and making your body use more of its stored fat.

Tesso said...

Yes, it was a lovely brekky this morning wasn't it. The company was so good I could've stayed there for lunch as well, and way beyond!

Cirque said...

It was a lovely morning Hannah. We really need to do that more often.

As far as the food input/energy output goes, I think you're getting really good at listening to your body but you don't trust yourself yet. You should, you know, because you're doing a damn fine job.

Carolyne said...

I second the wise Tesso! Listen to your body, and continue to do a fine job . . . you are amazing!

Lulu said...

It was lovely to meet you at last Hannah. I hope we can do it again when I'm up in March.

I'm sure your body is just trying to recover from Caboolture as everyone else has said and you'll soon bounce back.. Otherwise you'll have to come down to Sydney and consult Dr Ludka!