Tuesday, May 15, 2007


I went back to track last night. Managed about half a session I think. Uncle Phil finally succumbed to the vast amount of whinging I've been doing about my foot and poked and prodded it for me. Something is clicking in it and the tendon is swollen. I actually have really loose joints - my shoulders and hips partially dislocate quite often. It sounds revolting but it doesn't hurt too badly because I put them back into place as soon as I feel them start to go. If that's what happened to my foot, it makes sense that it didn't show on the xray or scan or anything.

Anyway, I am now on orders to ice it four times a day for three days, see how it goes, then we'll try alternating with really hot and then really cold water for another few days. Fingers are crossed! I have to say I accidentally banged it on a door jam today and it would be an understatement to say the air turned blue!

On the plus side. I went to Australia Zoo yesterday and got to eyeball a tiger. And I mean really EYEBALL a tiger. He walked right up to me and stared me in the eyes. There would've been perhaps six inches between our noses. It was bloody incredible :)

Here's the pick I took as he turned away. I was too stunned and too busy looking at him to press the button whilst we had eye contact!

Tomorrow night I'm running again. Currently I'm thinking I will go to Glasshouse and run the 12km with Uncle Phil. I just don't trust myself to make it through 30km currently and I don't want to get stuck in the middle of nowhere with a bung foot.

Another positive - I'm buying new shoes tomorrow!

1 comment:

Stephen Lacey said...

Tora tora tora!

Beautiful photo.

I hope your foot responds to the new regime of treatment. Sounds like the right approach for that kind of thing.