Thursday, May 17, 2007


So, went off to see my favourite running doc this morning for a fresh perspective. He thinks I have torn the ligament where it joins the bone in the ball of my foot. Ties in to what Uncle Phil thinks too.

So now I have two new types of anti-inflams to take but if that doesn't fix it, looks like cortisone injection and a trip to the specialist might be in order. Blah! I'm really hoping the drugs do it. If they do, I might be back to normal in a couple of weeks! Hurrah!

So good to be made to feel like I'm not going crazy and it's not all in my head. The doc was soooo fabulous, I think he might be stuck with me from now on - he even gave me his mobile and home phone number incase I have any problems! Certainly beats the various levels of disdain the rest of the doctors I've tried have displayed.

Fingers are crossed!


Robert Song said...

My finger are crossed for you.

Jen said...

Mine too !

Louise said...

H egave you his home phone number?! Is he cute?