Saturday, February 03, 2007

Mt Cootha, Lite n' Easy and Training

Went and ran the whole of Mount Cootha again this morning with the girls, so it seems the last time wasn’t a figment of my imagination! We did it quicker as well, I think, although I didn’t wear a watch this time so I couldn’t say for sure.

I have started on Lite n’ Easy – it’s amazing! I can’t believe it’s calorie controlled! I’m on the lowest calorie plan they do, but when I unpacked the boxes there is just sooo much food. It’s a lot of fresh stuff, which is great and there’s no cooking, very little washing up and no going to the supermarket involved, so you might say I’m in heaven! I could totally eat this stuff for the long term, even if I wasn’t dieting. Unreal.

Anyway, enough gloating about the joys of Lite n’ Easy!

My entry for Caboolture D2D is in and paid for and I’m now starting to get a bit nervous! Though, I do think it’ll be a bit like a party with so many lovely coolrunners in attendance! The fact that I’ve done very little training and lots of races and events is a bit worrying, but I’m quite happy to walk as much as I need to. I’m looking at it as a starting point, now I’m starting back into marathon training again.

Running on Wednesday night was fun, but not very hard work… we’re all still stuck in one big beginners group again and whilst 40 minutes is great, I really need to start doing at least an hour and at a faster pace. Next week, Ronnie, Carolyn and me should get to hang off the back of Phil’s group for a while then drop off which should solve some of the speed/distance problems.

Also heard that I’ll be having an exhibition at the Queensland Centre of Photography in May. Yay me!


Tesso said...

Congrats on the exhibition - you MUST let us all know when it is on!

You have the right idea for Caboolture. I remember last year going around on the first lap listening to great music on my iPod and I said to myself - think you are at a party for 12 hours, and you are just running and not dancing :-)

Clairie said...

Well I'll be there at the party :)

Great news about the exhibition too - let us know and we'll throw another party there!

Ewen said...

OK, we want photos on your blog from the exhibition!

D2D almost sounds like fun (dark fun). Definitely not easy or lite though.

Shane said...

Cass and I will be coming for a look. Not running this year but I think it will still be a good night to be a spectator.

Very good news to hear about the exhibition.

Cass has been on lite'n'easy for about 5 weeks, it is great for her with work and uni. Very convienient and she seems to like it. She has been on the 1500 cal one but has just stepped it down to the 1200 starting this week. We also decided to cut the breakfast away, instead opting to just buy similar stuff from the shops. Unfortunately we still have to go to the dreaded shops for Sam's and my tucker. Good luck with it look forward to hearing about how it goes.

See you at D2D :-)

miners said...

Hey, races and events ARE training Hannah!! Best sort of training you can do in fact, so don't stress :)

would be great if the exhibition ran over the time the pentath is on so I can go see it! :)

Eagle said...

I like the hair cut. I will not be at Caboolture but my best wishes and thoughts will be with you.

Anonymous said...

Have a great run, Hannah & good to hear about the exhibition. Hope we get to see some of it in your blog.
