Thursday, February 22, 2007


Well, didn't make it to track on tuesday. Eventually wiggled my foot and decided against it. Did go running last night, just a short one, 45 minutes fairly slowly and my foot hurt the entire way :( I can run on it, but the pain is the sort that makes me feel slightly queasy, which I know is not a good sign :(

I'm giving it a deadline. If I can't run long on saturday, I'm going to the podiatrist on monday. Stupid, stupid, stupid foot! Grr!

At least I'm still getting skinnier. It's probably all my running muscles disintegrating from underuse *L* Had a nightmare PT session this morning... really hard work. I'm going to be sore tomorrow.

1 comment:

miners said...

Hope that toe and your foot-pain gets better Hannah. Great to see you staying focused on the big stuff, but make sure you get your toe sorted before getting back into the intense training you've been doing so well :)

btw - congrats!! You're lighter than me (I think I may be heading in the wrong direction as well)