Tuesday, February 20, 2007

4.2kgs down

Did rather a hardcore session at circuit training yesterday morning. Consequently, I can barely lift my arms above my head today! It drove me nuts not running on the weekend and I have to admit there has been a little running with circuits. Not more than a couple of kms though, honest!

My foot feels better, though I can still feel the problem (whatever it is) when I lift my big toe up (as if I was trying to point it at the ceiling). I couldn't resist chucking my gear in the car for track this afternoon. I'll go, but if it hurts, I won't do the session :(

I'm going to do circuits and run tomorrow night, though.... I am too stubborn for my own good sometimes. All depends on how tonight goes, I guess.

According to my scales, I have now lost 4.2kgs - only 10.8 to go, Gods help me! I know I am getting slightly slimmer again by the fact my jeans are a bit looser.

On thursday, I'll see my PT and if he notices the difference, I'll know I'm on track!

On the weekend, Gods willing, I will be running long at last! HURRAH!

1 comment:

Ewen said...

The loose jeans must be a great feeling Hannah - except for the thought of having to buy a whole new wardrobe.

Hope the toe allows you to get back into it soon.