Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Enforced Holiday for a Week

I think I'm discovering what is known as post-marathon blues. Although, it's not really because I don't want to run, just that when I do, I can't get out of first gear and I feel like crap.

Work at the moment is really stressful. The downside of doing three jobs simultaneously is that each workplace only think about what you deliver in terms of their needs - (which is fair enough because that's what I'm there for) but it makes meeting simultaneous deadlines more than a bit challenging. It usually means burning the candle at both ends for prolonged periods of time and it's just not healthy.

For quite a while now I've been realising that I am neither superwoman nor immortal and have slowly making my way to having just *one* full time job like a normal person. I'm starting to get there, but days like today just make me wish for it to happen just a little sooner. The stress is insane and has to stop!

Anyway. Enough of a work related whinge. Save to say, It probably goes a long way to explaining why I am still so dead tired and generally feeling not good. I actually feel like I'm falling apart slightly physically, which is weird. Nothing hurts exactly, but my left hammy is twinging still and I've booked a massage to try and fix it. I just know I'm still not 100% and it's three weeks since the bloody M! grr!

I went to PT this morning, and struggled again. So much so that Tony made me take another week off running. I'm allowed to do Yoga but that's it until next tuesday. I'm hoping it's going to be a case of taking the time off and then coming back heaps stronger.

Ho Hum.


Jen said...

Hey honey. Don't downplay the role & importance of stress, sleep & nutrition in your recovery. Take it easy on yourself & don't force the recovery. Keep smiling chicky. :-)

Tesso said...

Yep Hannah, sounds like the post mara blues. Its happened to me a few times and I find it just takes one run, somewhere a little special, and I instantly snap out of it. In the past its been Mt Coot-tha or the Bribie Beach Bash that's done the trick.

And its funny, you almost feel the moment it happens, its like the world really is wonderful. Hope you find that moment soon.

miners said...

gee hannah - you're doing more work than any of us would ever care to dream about doing, and training the house down as well. Some time off is probably the best thing you COULD do at the moment!

Shane said...

Jeez Hannah, you need to take a break, 3 jobs and training hard is not good. Ease up on the training and get your energy back, im sure once that happens your motivation will return. Take care.

Cirque said...

Hang in there lovely. You are working awfully hard. Be extra nice to yourself!

TA and the Gnome said...

Hannah, the second slowest thing to come back after the marathon is speed and energy, and the last thing to come back is desire. It's only 3 weeks, for heaven's sake! Wait a while. It'll happen one day when you aren't looking. :-)


Anonymous said...

Hang in there, Hannah.
Running is a mirror of life: we all have our ups and downs, our great days and our blah days.
Stick it out, you'll be killin' 'em again before long!

Toasty said...

i agree with what Tesso said ... same for me too

Lulu said...

I have no doubt you'll be back in form in no time. I hope you can get your job situation fixed up soon, it sounds very stressful. Take care and be nice to yourself.