Friday, December 23, 2005

frosty the running snow woman!

Hello all :) This is a picture of the sunset in the UK countryside where I'm staying. I've got a ton more, but I'll wait til I can upload them all in one go.

Managed to get myself to the local athletics centre the other day in the belief that perhaps it might be less icy than the roads - I discovered that actually, it is probably more icy on a track - particularly when it's 2 degrees!

I think I lasted 20 minutes before the pain of the cold got the better of me and I came into the warm. I did ask about using a treadmill indoors but they wanted me to have an induction session on it first so I decided not to ;)

I'm resigning myself to the fact that there will no doubt be three weeks of serious pain when I get home to burn off all the calories I'm consuming. The good thing about this resignation is the fact that I'm not going to worry about it so much. No point!

Went for a run this morning and it was much milder, thankfully. Very different running when it's soooo quiet - great seeing all the local animals around - birds, horses, pheasants, deer... smells very nice too - the air is really clean :)

I've been making certain running resolutions etc for next year plus a big 1 year running anniversary post for this blog, but I'm waiting til I get back to Bris to post that :) Hope you're all well and enjoying the sunshine (!)


Toasty said...

It's so hot here! Consider the feasting carbo loading ..... no practice carbo loading .... it's training! Yeah training to carbo load. And since you will be running not just one race then it makes sense for a prolonged period of carbo loading .... right?

There's no scientific evience to support the above ... I'm going to eat a cookie and ponder this. Merry Christmas Hannah Happy New Year.

2P said...

I think iliketoast nailed it, but he did leave out the other important component and that is taper - imagine how strong you will be with all that carb loading and tapering ;-)

Again - the usual disclaimer applies!

Enjoy you break Hannah.

Tesso said...

Oooh, I can't wait to hear what your running resolutions are!

This place is too hot, that place is too cold. Maybe Goldilocks knows where it is just right :-)

Have a wonderful Christmas Hannah. All the best for a fantastic 2006.

PS Happy 1st blogivesary!

Lulu said...

I hope the motherland is treating you well. It's looking very scenic! Where abouts are you?

You'll soon get rid of all those cals when you get back to Brissie and burn it all off!

Robert Song said...

I was just telling My Wife the other day, we need to move to somewhere where it is cooler in summer and warmer in winter then Brisbane. Just can't think of exactly where that is.

All I know it is too hot here at the moment and I'd like a bit of your cold weather.

Cirque said...

Yep - I'm with Iliketoast too. Take some time off and think how much injury prevention you're doing. I'm looking forward to seeing your photos and reading whatever exciting posts you have for us when you come home.
Have a great Christmas Hannah.

TA and the Gnome said...

Cool picture (pardon the pun) :-)

Have a great break, and just enjoy whatever you're doing.


Wobbly man said...

Sounds so cold but I love your desriptions.

Enjoy your break Hanna - I'm sure a small break from training every now and then works wonders.

Wishing you and your family a wonderful Christmas!

Ewen said...

We are not enjoying the sunshine as it's sooooo frigging HOT down here!

Can't wait to read about your goals for 2006 Hannah.