Tuesday, April 17, 2007

xray and bloods okay

Well, my xray and bloods came back clear, so I'm off to have a bone scan on thursday. It's going to cost $550 or so and I think I will get some of that back on medicare. I really, really, really hope so anyway. If I don't I'm going to be in trouble but I'm at the point where I just want to know whats wrong. Tomorrow I'll ring medicare and check.

Even though it is good that both the xray and bloods were clear, it's sort of horrible too because I don't have any answers. I feel like maybe I should just be putting up with it and running through it...which is what I was doing previously. It's not an unbearable sort of pain, it just won't go away. Maybe if I just give it more time it will heal itself..... if it does turn out to be just some sort of soft tissue injury I'm going to kick myself repeatedly. Though obviously not with my right foot!

Anyway, nothing to do but wait until next week I guess... still a cranky, fat and generally miserable Hannah til then :(


Ellie80 said...

hey hannah - have been reading your blog for a while now - I hope that the scan goes really well. It is much better to get it checked now. It might cost a bit of money but there is no price for peace of mind. Many good luck wishes sending your way!

Tesso said...

Fingers crossed for the best possible results for you Hannah!

Lulu said...

Best to know what the situation is. I hope it's nothing serious and you'll soon be back on the road.

Ewen said...

Cheer up Hannah. Perhaps you are hoping the expensive bone scan does show a stressie! If not, I hope you don't have to let anyone with a knife near your foot.

I'm with Steve and Jen on getting things right before the 100 mile debut. Also, you want to be good for 6' next year!