Friday, April 13, 2007

Fatter, Fitter, Fubar foot!

I started bootcamp this week and did reasonably well on the fitness test. Blitzed everyone on the leg strength test by about a minute though, which was a nice surprise (must be the hilly trails!) Also did personal training and confessed to my trainer that I've fallen quite spectacularly off the diet wagon and practically have to start all over again.

Anyway, the less said about that, the better. I'm back on lite n' easy and even if I'm fatter again, I feel I'm getting a bit fitter. Ran on wednesday night and it wasn't quite as difficult as the week before. I did however manage to stick my foot in a hole and twist my ankle (the other side to my existing foot problem) but thankfully I was able to run it out and it felt fine the next morning.

My foot is still not right. Yesterday morning after bootcamp, I walked from the train to work and I almost cried at the constant stabbing pain through the joint. Being in a reasonable amount of pain for this long has just made me completely and utterly miserable. I'm still doing my best to hold on to my denial and run because currently it's the only thing that making me feel (temporarily) better. It actually does feel better whilst I'm wearing trainers though, possibly because it's cushioned. I run, it hurts, I rest, it feels better so I run, then it hurts again. Repeat. The only option is to just go to the bloody doctor, I guess :(

I know I could be doing serious damage by continuing to run on it without having it checked. I know that the longer it carries on, the more unlikely it is I'll be up to the 100 miles or any race really. I don't really want to go into details here, but there's a lot in my life that is a struggle currently and this is all just the bloody icing on the bloody cake. Nothing is more ugly and unproductive than a good dose of self pity I know... I just have to pull myself up by the bootstraps and do what I can to make the changes that will solve the problem.

1 comment:

Ewen said...

Hang in there Hannah. All the best for the changes, and a foot that doesn't hurt.