Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Happy New Year!

Wow, can you believe it's 2007? I feel like I should be somewhere in the middle of last year, still ;)

So, what have I been doing in the last week or so? On saturday I went to the 5km time trial at Shorncliffe - 27:50ish. Not fabulous, but not as bad as the last few have been! An average time for me, which I'm quite happy with really, given xmas and everything! My running amigo, Ronnie did a ripper PB, taking three minutes off her last time - all I could do is jump up and down and yell as she came towards the line - she's lost loads of weight and been working really hard. Uncle Phil was all proud of her, too - grinning from ear to ear and slapped her on the back and everything, bless him.

I've been swimming a couple of times, nothing major but it reminds me how out of practice at it I am - my arms were so sore the next day!

Last night was a killer track session - deceptively so... we did our three warm up laps, stride throughs, then drills (fun but hard on the legs!) then Phil beckoned us over to a set of concrete stairs by the edge of the track - we had to bolt up and down them as fast as we could. Coming down was actually heaps harder than going up but it was interesting to have it pointed out to me that I favour landing on one leg. Who knows why! Must be to do with being left or right handed.

Tonight is medium long run. Hoping tonight won't be as painful as last week! Although, I have kept to my new years resolutions so far (no alchohol, caffiene or chocolate!) and have been eating well, so I feel slightly less disgusting in myself!

The hardest thing was always going to be no caffiene - being a diet coke addict, I virtually live on the stuff, particularly whilst I've been working three jobs - it's the only way to cope with the hours! Still, so far, so good - the biggest side affect has been the headaches. Massive, massive, horrible headaches. Nothing a few panadol and a lie down can't fix, but it's a good job I'm not back at work until next week!

Feeling all fired up and ready to go for this year - the rest of the month is focussed on getting my fitness back and then back into building up for the gold coast marathon. Last year, I did 4:42 (after being reeaaalllyyy sick with a chest infection for several weeks before) so this year, my 'Plan A Goal' will be 4:00, my 'Plan B Goal' will be 4:10 and 'Plan C', 4:15. Of course, it's always nice just to cross the line, too ;) *LOL*

Uncle Phil is taking a slightly different tack with my training for the GC, too - last year, I think I was just stunned and amazed I could actually cover the distance without dying and ran very conservatively in training and in the race. I know I did the first half too slowly. This year, I'll be doing my long runs on saturday mornings as usual, but I'll also be doing the short BRRC runs, too. 5km runs for training, now there's a novelty! The idea being, I think, to keep my endurance up and keep me running little bursts at a faster speed so I don't decimate my fast twitch muscle fibres in the same way as last year.

Me. Fast twitch muscle fibres. *L* they're in there somewhere, honest!

Oh, and seems I have a new reader, Ness. *waves* Hi Ness!

Hope you all had a fabulous New Years Eve! Hope 2007 brings you lots of great things :)


Tesso said...

Happy New Year Hannah!

Very brave of you to make such tough resolutions. But you are a tough girl and I know that you will do your very best to stick to them.

By the way, what about the caffiene-free Diet Coke ... at least it kind of tastes the same.

Shane said...

Happy New Year Hannah, I have enjoyed reading your blog and am greatful to have witness some of your fantastic achievements in 06. Here's hoping which I am sure it will, to an even better 2007, no injuries and heaps of Pb's.