Thursday, January 11, 2007

burst of activity!

I am buggered! I think I've rather overdone things in the last week or so.

Lets see: Cootha on saturday, circuit training monday, track on tuesday, running last night, personal training today, circuit training tomorrow morning, rock climbing tomorrow night then Hares and Hounds at the GH on sunday!

Well, the sudden burst of lets-get-fit-again has meant I've dropped 3kgs since monday *LOL* Hear me roar! I actually bought some scary scales on the weekend too - they measure hydration and fat aa well as kgs. Fascinating stuff!

The no caffiene, chocolate or alchohol thing continues well. I'm drinking about 4L of water a day though and it's not a struggle by any means. I think my innards must've been shrivelled up like prunes before!

At running last night I had a total shocker... I think I got a bit cocky after doing mount cootha and I tried to move up a group again... BIG MISTAKE! I knew I was in trouble after about 3km... didn't know whether to faint, vomit, fall over or cry. I settled on almost crying before two others volunteered to drop off the back with me. Still, learnt my lesson... I shall stay with the other group a while longer.

Next weekend I'm going to Binna Burra with GH running buddy Susannah - I'm really looking forward to getting away for a while!


miners said...

Fantastic to see the motivation well and truly established Hannah. And a super effort at Cootha on the weekend.

Um, you don't appear to have a rest day in there anywhere ...

Ewen said...

Crying was the best option.

I talk at a volume where they can't quite hear me and have to drop back :)

Shane said...

Sounds like your diet and weightloss is going great guns.

Good luck for tomorrow it is an unique concept, should be fun.