Friday, June 29, 2007

Quiet on the Western Front

Well, not much new to report here. I'm still waiting for my appointment with the doc to see if there's anything that can be done about the wait for the specialist. I don't think the antibiotics I'm taking are doing anything for my foot. The anti-inflammatories help, but the dose isn't high enough to make much difference (it's Prexige again, but only one a day).

Went to the run inn on wednesday to wish everyone luck at the coast. Really bittersweet because it made me remember how electric and exciting it was this time last year for me as I got ready to run my first 'proper' marathon. I know there'll hopefully be many more (and if nothing else, being on the bench is increasing my motivation for when I can run again) but it still made me want to cry! Whinge, whinge, whinge. I will never, ever, ever, take running like I was, for granted, ever again.

Have realised I'm supposed to be at a work-related function on saturday night and I can't really get out of it without looking enormously rude, so I have decided to car pool with the girls on the sunday morning. The lovely Susannah had offered me a bed in her apartment bless her and I feel reeeallyyyy bad about not using it, but I don't want to dampen anyone else's experience while I'm such a misery guts.

The truth is that my current state of woe is due to a bit more than a bung foot unfortunately and while I'm prepped and ready to cheer my lungs out for all and sundry, until I get my head together and sort myself out a bit, I have a suspicion that I'm going to tend to be a bit of a piker. The important thing is that I'm doing something about it, so I hope everyone can be a bit patient with me until I get myself together.

That said, I am looking forward to seeing everyone at the race. I am contemplating giving my chip to someone uber fast so that I can claim a sub 1:40 half, but I think that might be cheating ;) I am going to take my camera and take lots of pics for everyone, too.

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