Saturday, November 04, 2006

1:48 Mount Cootha Run

This morning we did a very soggy mount cootha run. Met everyone at 6am and was great to see there was about twenty (?) of us. There would have been a few more too, had it not been for the rain and the various family commitments.

Headed out together, but soon enough I dropped off the back as I was the slowest there today. I'm still much too heavy and I knew I was going to have a hard run within the first couple of kms. I chugged along though and groaned when I passed my usual yellow gate (the furthest point I've managed to get to, running continuously up there) and had already had several walk breaks! Actually, I didn't even make it up the first hill by the botanical gardens. LOL!

I swore at myself and my dodgy stomach and an achey knee, but even though Mt.C was soundly whipping my arse, it still worked it's magic on me. The cloud was low and it was all misty and beautiful. Quiet too, since no one goes up there when it's raining. Got to the highest point to find Sam, Jill and Ronnie had waited for me, bless them. Ronnie had run from Slaughter Falls and ran the **entire** thing! WOOHOO! Go, Ronnie!

I felt INCREDIBLY slow and disgusting, but apparently it wasn't as bad as I thought, since I still went quicker than last time! Once we started running as a group, I got more of a rhythym happening and it wasn't so bad. My stomach settled a bit and before I knew it we were at the top and coming back down.

I have a secret plan of attack to make Mount Cootha my biatch - I'm going to run it as slow as I possibly, possibly can one day. Even if it takes me three or four hours. .. so watch this space ;)

The badness that was the way up also made me realise how much I really need to get back into some decent training. I've done nothing about Kurruwa! I'm still exercising loads (though no long runs, particularly) but I'm still too heavy and I feel like I'm running with a backpack on the whole time. Only one way to cure that! Back on the diet wagon with me. Working in an office full of sugar junkies and foodies is not helping - I need to get some self control!

Plan for the week:

Sunday: REST
Monday: Circuit Training + 5km
Tuesday: Track
Wednesday: Circuit Training + Medium Long Run
Thursday: Personal Training
Friday: Circuit Training
Saturday: Long Run
Sunday: BRRC 10km


Ewen said...

Beating Mt Cootha will be a good post Hannah - bring it on!

My sweet tooth sympathises with yours.

2P said...

Hey Hanna nice work on Mt Coot-ha - BTW I love the new banner.

You are going to do just fine at Kurruwa I can just sense it ;-)

Anonymous said...

Well done on Mt C Hannah. Glad to see some people have got more guts than me.

undercover brother said...

do u hop on the exercise bike much hannah?
great for hill training.
pump it up to whatever level makes your quads burn and keep the rpm lowish (80).
then coot-tha will be just a pissweak little hill!

2P said...

We haven't heard from you for a while Hannah.... how's it going?